Big Impact Budget Home Renovations

Big Impact Budget Home Renovations
Now that we are in another lockdown, we are spending even more time in our homes, so it is the perfect time to think about your next home project.
Transforming your home does not have to cost a fortune. Here are some of the best ways to transform your home on a budget.
- I have mentioned this before, but natural light and access to your garden, if you are fortunate enough to have one, is a game changer. A great budget friendly solution to this is replacing a window with French double doors. It will give you much more natural light and that all important access to the garden for that indoor-outdoor living.
- Get the roller out, a good choice can really transform a room. Whites are very fashionable at the moment and will make any room feel light and airy, but don’t forget about dark colours. Painting a room a bold dark colour can really make it feel like a completely new space. A strong dark colour can add real interest and atmosphere to a room. Dark colours work really well in small or dark spaces and rooms predominantly used in the evening.
- Paint your kitchen and replace the worktops. If budget doesn’t allow you to replace the kitchen that you are not happy with, don’t wait around. There are many professional companies that do this @conlon and it is a fraction of the price of replacing a kitchen. Again, if working to a tighter budget, do it yourself. Make sure you do your research and use specialist paints recommended by your local paint shop, @patmcd @carlow Laminate worktops have come along way and for a few hundred euro you can really update the look of your entire kitchen.
- Sell and replace key pieces of furniture. I recommend this to all of my clients. If you don’t love a piece of furniture sell it, use the money from the sale to fund your next purchase. Replacing key pieces like couches, tables and chairs, tv units etc can really have a transformative impact on your home. You should really love every piece and move away from the thought process of it’s grand!
- Panelling is a great way to add new interest to a space. There are loads of different types and plenty of online DIY tutorials for anyone that wants to attempt it themselves.
Written by, David O Brien, Interior Designer and Project Manager for RJ O ‘Brien Building Contractors Ltd. Cork.
If you are looking for advice on transforming your home, please get in touch to book a consultation email or send us a dm for more information.